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OPIc: 돌발질문 대처하기

by iamlucia 2020. 10. 15.

OPIc 테스트시 내가 선택하지 않은 주제로 돌발질문이 나오면

대처할 수 있게 "에바에게 따지는" 내용의 스크립트를 무려 3종류로 준비했는데

에바가 생각보다 내 의도대로 질문을 내줘서

따지지 못했다...


아까운 내 스크립트를 블로그에 공유하고자 한다. 


1. OPIc 돌발 질문 대처 스크립트 

OPIc 질문에 내가 선택하지 않은 질문이 나왔다면?




Oh my goodness ! Are you Serious? I mean, for real? 

Do you really wanna know that kind of stuff?

Did I choose [돌발질문 주제 용어] or somthing on the survey ? 

What I'm trying to ask you is why you did conduct the survey when you are doing like this.

I have been too tied up with studying thesedays, you know as a jobseeker, I don't have much time to read some news articles or watch TV so I don't think I can answer to the question. Sorry about that.  




2. OPIc 돌발 질문 대처 스크립트 

OPIc 질문에 너무 추상적인 질문 like 단순한 '경험'을 묻는 질문이 나왔다면? 





I think there can be so many kinds of experienes when it comes to [돌발질문 주제 용어] that I can't answer to this. I am so embarrassed now. 

Was it so difficult for you to point out the specific type of questions? 

You could ask about experiences about getting injured or stolen, or bumping into someone else, right?

How can I supposed to answer to this sort of a question covering too broad scopes? 

I think you should prepare more detailed answers next time. Thank you.



'세상공부 > English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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OPIc : Fillers  (0) 2020.10.31